Tripartite Committee Delivers Electoral Reform Report to President Bio

By Sorie Abubakarr, Freetown, Sierra Leone. July 1, 2024

Sierra Leone’s “Tripartite Committee” has concluded its work, presenting a final report to President Bio at State House on Monday, July 1 2024.

The report, compiled by Chief Minister David Moinina Sengeh and All People’s Congress (APC) Leader, Samura Kamara, outlines areas of agreement and recommendations for improving the country’s electoral systems and democracy.

Despite some areas of disagreement, President Bio commended all parties for their cross-party efforts. He emphasized his commitment to working with the opposition to address democratic challenges and implement agreed-upon reforms.

“I am committed to deepening our democratic credentials,”

 President Bio stated. He expressed gratitude to the committee members and development partners for their contributions to this crucial process.

The report’s details, particularly the areas of disagreement, are likely to be a major focus of national political discussions in the coming days.

The Tripartite Committee, comprising representatives from the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) government, the All Peoples Congress (APC), and moral guarantors, finalized their recommendations after a thorough assessment of electoral systems and processes.

This initiative was undertaken in response to the aftermath of the June 24, 2023 national elections, which were marred by controversy.

Chief Minister David Moinina Sengeh confirmed the completion of the report in a statement on Sunday, expressing satisfaction with the outcome of the Committee’s efforts. He highlighted that the Committee’s mandate includes examining and revising electoral structures to ensure future elections uphold principles of fairness, credibility, and transparency.