Suhood Komeh Slams President Bio over the Removal of Suspended Auditor-General Lara Taylor-Pearce 

By Suhood Komeh, London, UK. July 10, 2024.

Sierra Leone is not a serious country. 

A serious country is not run by some people’s God from a place foolishly named, ‘State House’. In a serious country, a man (President Bio) who brazenly refused to produce evidence of electoral legitimacy, cannot have the pleasure of sacking those who carried out the constitutional necessity of accountability without challenge.

The removal of the suspended Auditor-General, Mrs. Lara Taylor-Pearce, is a total political bullying. This is 2024, which president in his right mind would do that? Only Sierra Leone's president, a man called Julius Bio.

The presidency in Sierra Leone, President Julius Bio, is an undemocratic bullying racket. It holds the people, country and other institutions, including parliament, to egregious contempt.

The presidency, Julius Bio, more than anything, runs counter to Sierra Leone’s progress. It must be abolished. The idea that you can load one person and cronies he appointed, with so much power. And then hope he/ she will be free from conflicted-interests is uncivilised, and uncivilising.