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-Elevating the Unity of
the Community to New
Let me start by thanking you for the time you take to read this annual report and to start with my welcome message.
As your son, your brother and Friend, I want to express my profound delight and gratitude to be elected overwhelmingly to serve you for the past one year. I want to thank you deeply for your outpouring of well wishes and support when the new executive of the association was inaugurated on December 31 2023.
A remarkable year of bringing the community together:
Since taking over the reign of leadership of this noble association, I have spared no seconds, minutes, hours, days and months in working very hard to bring to reality my campaigns’ commitments on which I was elected to serve the entire community. I am grateful for this position and I do not take it lightly. I have seen the passion, enthusiasm and the vote of confidence placed on me during the massive turn out to witness the inauguration of the new executive. The joy and spirit ignited in me the motivation and willingness to serve you all, more than I have ever been, and for the spark of trust in my leadership. Let me hasten to express my deepest gratitude to all exectuvie members who have put thier foot on the gas pedal since we were elected to lead the community sinc e we were elected to lead the community.
As president of SALNAM, I am grateful for caryying the torch of SALNAM, the torch that was lit over forty years and still is still burning.
The torch of SALNAM symbolizes the enduring nature of our community to continue to be relevant in touching the lives of every Sierra Leone residents in Manitoba. I would like to let all Sierra Leonean know that they are not alone and that the current executive members are willing to listen with an open mind and heart to help us all heal from strongholds within our community.
A year of achievements worth celebrating:
Over the past year, the current executive has put together various programs for our community to come together, mingled, learn, laugh, and welcome each other. The rest of the report will highlight the success of the various activities we implemented and the impact on our community for the last year.
As the torch continues, the current executive will end this year on a high positive note with two special activities to mark this unique year. We will be holding a special Christmas party for all kids in the Sierra Leonean community on December 16th and on for the entire community on December 31st to give parting gifts to a year that has brought us together in ways that truly reflect our national values and spirits of love, unity, peace and prosperity.
As we end this year, the executive members are grateful to the entire members of the community that open their doors for in-person visitations and phone calls from the the SALNAM executive. We believed this is the way of theraphy for all of us to stay connected and be thankful of each other.
Stay blessed.
In March 2023, the first of its kind after years, the executive hosted the senior social event. Substantial number of the community’s seniors graced the event. A representative from Canada Revenue Agency delivered a useful and informative session on aspects of retirement benefits that seniors should be aware of and how to access their benefit porfolios. Another representative was from the Winnipeg Police Services. The session focused on issues of fraud prevention, the growing menace of cyberattacks, and the risks posed to personal identity theft. A representative of the African communities of Manitoba Inc (ACOMI) participated in the successful hosting of the session and ACOMI contributed financial support.
As the first of its kind in the history of SALNAM, an event to recognize and pay tributes to community members who have contribute to the founding and growth of the association was organized., The SALNAM award committee launched a plea for nominations of deserving individuals on various established criteria to ensure transparency and integrity in the selection process. Award certificates for various price categories were given. Participant feedback attested to the importance of hosting such an important initiative, which many see as the right step to renew community spirits of volunteerism.
This year’s folklorama event for the African pavilion was a shining example of the Sierra Leonean community’s success in showcasing the Sierra Leonean’s rich cultural heritage and Africa generally. In the week-long series of cultural activities in August, our young proud Sierra Leonean cultural dancers displayed amazing cultural performances at the stage that shone the beauty of art and culture of the motherland.
I have been asked to give the keynote address on the celebration of our 62nd Independence Celebration. And we are also celebrating the 52nd Anniversary of being a Republic. The question I would endeavour to answer is “What Can Diaspora Do to Help Sierra Leone Develop”. i I am here to show us how we, as ordinary 72 hours bi-weekly workers, in the diaspora can contribute to the development of Sierra Leone.
The first thing we should do above everything, is show patriotism towards Sierra Leone. What is Patriotism or how can I be more patriotic than I already am? You may ask. I know we all profess to “Love We Sa Lone”; but by PATRIOTIC I mean we have to DEMONSTRATE our Love for Sa Lone not just SAY IT. Going beyond verbal utterances to actively demonstrating our Love for Sierra Leone will help our country immensely The second thing we can do is to help, in our own little way, in the development of key institutions in Sierra Leone is by sharing our knowledge and most especially our work ethics from the West. We all know that one of the key things hampering development in Sierra Leone is professionalism or lack thereof exhibited by employers and employees. Finally, and the most important way for us in the diaspora to help our country Sierra Leone, is by working together, in Unity with others wherever we are. Our elders say, “Wan finger nor dae pick los” (A single finger can not pick lice). It is always better to work as a group to promote development activities back home.
Our existence and success as SALNAM depend largely on the invaluable moral, financial and other forms of supports in diverse ways that have enable us implement various programs and acrivities for the year.
Special mention of thanks to the following institutions: Province of Manitoba Grant for Sports, Culture and Heritage Canada Federal Heritage Grant for Canada Day Celebrations African Community of Manitoba Manitoba African Cup of Nations Black Business Initiative (BBI-SBCCI).
Our community members who have paid their full annual membership dues deserve special mention. Mr. Mohamed Koroma Ms. Mariama Sessay Mr. Haroona Amara Mrs. Menuna Marah Ms. Frances Thomas Ms. Mayeteh Koroma Mr. Ahmad Bangura Ms. Sinnah Koroma Mrs. Zainab Sesay Mr. Allieu Sesay Ms. Theresa Kargbo Ms. Martha Koroma Mrs. Tendai Koroma SALNAM Annu
Designed and Produced by Amadu Sidi Bah
Editorial assistance Moe Koroma
Financial Report Compiled by Mrs H. Tengbeh
Photos contributors: Mrs. Margaret Konteh, Mr Moe Koroma
Final Design make-overs from TIA JASMIN CO. Website
Statement Dedicated to the development of a strong and identifiable Sierra Leonean community and to facilitate a successful integration of its membership into mainstream of Canadian society, through hard work which also helps our community promote and maintain its rich cultural values in a multicultural society
A community that is strong, viable, caring and united with the expressed goal of maximizing its social, educational, economic and cultural wellbeing in the context of Canadian society
Unity Understanding and Co-operation understanding with other Canadians preservation of cultural heritage of Sierra Leone within Canadian society Cooperation with partnership with organization and associations with similar aims and objectives Human rights and civil liberties of African Canadians and Canadians at large Strong family and community support systems meeting needs of the community Participation in cultural, social, economic, educational, and recreational programs
Inaugurating the start of a new SALNAM executive in grand style On December 30th, 2022, a swearing-in-ceremony of the newly elected president and his executive took place in a grand ceremony that took place at Nor Villa Hotel. Massive number of Sierra Leoneans came out to celebrate the inaugural ceremony The program of events included a presentation of certificates to each of the newly appointed executive member followed by the swearing of oath of each member of the executive to each of their respective positions
In July, SALNAM Joined all Canadians both at home and abroad to celebrate the founding anniversary of great Canada, a land that opened her welcoming hands and doors of opportunity for a better life for Sierra Leoneans in the diaspora. The celebrations took place in Kildonan park, where vast number of Sierra Leonean came out and participated in traditional games, including a chair and tog of war games. The event was remarkable. It provided members of the community a platform to renew their pledge love and loyalty to a country that has provided unlimited opportunities for a prosperious life.
With the long summer school holiday drawing to a close, SALNAM in partnership with Abkon Roofing organized a back-to-school barbecue in St Vital Park grounds in September. The event attracted community members who came out in high numbers to grace the occasion. Part of the focus of the event was to fund-raise to help our students with basic school necessities to start the new academic year. In the end, the turn-out was a success.
With the long summer school holiday drawing to a close, SALNAM in partnership with Abkon Roofing organized a back-to-school barbecue in St Vital Park grounds in September. The event attracted community members who came out in high numbers to grace the occasion. Part of the focus of the event was to fund-raise to help our students with basic school necessities to start the new academic year. In the end, the turn-out was a success.
Account balance brought forward as of September 30, 2022 $8.86 Total deposits including account balance forwarded September 30 2023 $47, 100.70 Total cash withdrawals $26, 270.27 Account balance as of September 30, 2023 $19,762.94 Cash at hand $1,067.49 Total Account Value as of September 30 2023 . $20,830.43
Membership Dues 2023
1 Mr. Mohamed Koroma Paid for January to December $240.00
2 Mrs. Margaret Konteh Paid for January to September $180.00
3 Mrs. Hawa Tengbeh Paid for January to September $180.00
4 Mr. Amadu S. Bah Paid for January to September $180.00
5 Ms. Mariama Sessay Paid for January to December $240.00
6 Mr. John Bangura Paid for January to December $240.00
7 Mr. Hassan Kamara Paid for January $20.00
8 Ms. Halimatu Kamara Paid for January to June $120.00
9 Mr. Haroona Amara Paid for January to December $120.00
10 Mrs. Menuna Marah Paid for January to December $120.00
11 Ms. Frances Thomas Paid for January to June $120.00
12 Mrs. Agnes Kanneh Paid for January to August $80.00
13 Ms. Mayeteh Koroma Paid for January to December $120.00
14 Mr. Ahmad Bangura Paid for January to December $120.00
15 Ms. Sinnah Koroma Paid for January to December $120.00
16 Mr. Abass Kamara Paid for January to June $60.00
17 Mrs. Connie Kamara Paid for January to June $60.00
18 Dr. Abdulai Tengbeh Paid for January to June $60.00
19 Mrs. Zainab Sesay Paid for January to December $120.00
20 Mr. Allieu Sesay Paid for January to December $120.00
21 Ms. Theresa Kargbo Paid for January to December $120.00
22 Ms. Martha Koroma Paid for January to December $120.00
23 Mrs. Tendai Koroma Paid for January to December $120.00
24 Mrs. Aisha Bangura Paid for January to June $120.00
25 Mrs. Fatim Nabah Paid for January to June $60.00
Total Payment $3,160.00
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