Sierra Leone - Next Election or Next Generation

By Pastor Mustapha Konneh, Woodbridge, USA. July 23, 2024. 

NEXT ELECTION OR NEXT GENERATION: Sierra Leone 's dysfunctional political hegemony.  

Political power should be about public interest, independent of private interest and should not be used to own and maintain wealth and position. A comprehension of public interest is continually evolving and maybe in line with changes in societal values and norms. 

In an organized political system, the process to elect, appoint, or select those who hold power must be free from undue influence or vested interests.  All stakeholders must be inclusive, open and have meaningful opportunities to influence decision-making. 

Political decisions and those who hold power should be subject to scrutiny by public and institutional checks, with consequences for using power for private gains. In short, citizens should hold the powerful to account for the common good and governance should be about the NEXT GENERATION AND NOT THE NEXT ELECTION!

Sierra Leone's political leadership is the direct opposite of the principles outlined above. In Sierra Leone, politicians always think about the NEXT ELECTION! Sierra Leone concluded an election one year ago and both the opposition and party in governance have totally forgotten the policies and promises made during the elections campaign. Both political parties are now totally focusing on the next election of June 2028, which is four years down the road. 

The fight for succession in both parties is becoming gruesome and ruthless, while the average Sierra Leonean is suffering more than any other time in the country's history. Inflation is at an all time high, unemployment ( especially for young people) have skyrocketed. What the country is going through now is the textbook definition of MULTI-'DIMENSIONAL POVERTY!  

The party in governance and the opposition have no plans to rescue the country from its present predicament, all they care about is the NEXT ELECTION OF 2028!  This is very unfair for the Sierra Leonean people who are depending on government to formulate policies that will create an environment for their success, growth and advancement, through honest and transparent leadership.

The truth is Sierra Leone needs a TRANSFORMATIONAL METAMORPHOSIS!  Let me outline what is needed to change the narrative:
- Stop the misuse of state resources, such as embezzling financial resources for personal gains and also investing in unnecessary projects before or during election campaign to gain votes:
- Stop the gross conflict of interest, where elected politicians, party stalwarts, their families or associates hold substantial business interests:
- Stop the influence of party stalwarts (Godfathers) supporting political candidates to turn them into their clients:
- Stop the corruption and the unethical exploitation of political power for personal benefits, it undermines the integrity of the democratic process and ERODES PUBLIC TRUST IN GOVERNANCE! ( LONTA PART1).

Pastor Mustapha Konneh