Behind the Scenes with Lans Omar - May 4, 2024.

Hello everyone!
From Winnipeg, Canada, respect to all my fam, fans, and friends!

The weekend vibes are here: SALNAM's Senior's Day Lunch is coming up, Karpowership restores full power supply back to Sierra Leone, AbuBakarr Boxx Konteh released from detention, the resignation of Dr. Abass Bundu in the question of the day, plus lots more. You're about to read another neck-breaking edition of “Behind the Scenes". This column is the radical thoughts of one guy called Lans Omar aka the “Golden Child” - born and raised in Freetown, Sierra Leone.

Let's do this:  The Sierra Leone Nationals Association of Manitoba (SALNAM) is treating the seniors of the Sierra Leone community in Manitoba with a special SENIOR'S DAY LUNCH. The luncheon is scheduled to take place on Saturday, May 25, 2024, at the North Kildonan United Church, 174 Pentland Street, Winnipeg, MB. Time: 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm. This is a free event for all but specifically crafted the seniors 50 years and up.

Switching gears: Wait a minute, was it US$40 million owed to Karpowership for the supply of electricity in Sierra Leone? Hold on another minute, how much is President Bio’s one single trip with a 20-man entourage cost? De guys dem nor serious, oona lef me. Anyways, on Friday, April 26th, 2024, the Turkish Karpowership has announced the restoration of electricity supply to Sierra Leone. Payment has been made and now President Bio has personally intervened in the energy sector and he’s now the boss of electricity in the country with two deputies in that office. The Energy Ministry is now under his direct supervision. For the records, electricity was first used in houses in the late 19th century but it still remains a dream, an enigma in Sierra Leone. Do I hear a snake rattle? Oona nor serious.

Next stop: The APC’s Organizing Secretary in the North West Region, AbuBakarr Boxx Konteh, has been released from detention after a period of interrogations by the SLPP government. Konteh has made his first public appearance on April 27, 2024, with a statement on his Facebook account. He wrote: This is how I spent my April 27th, the Sheriffs, Tarawallys and the Kontehs, it is well”.
Konteh’s was arrested in March by Guinean authorities in Conakry for of illegal possession of drugs. On April 12, 2024, Konteh was extradited to Sierra Leone and handed over to the Paopa Boys for questioning. Oona go learn but nor to tiday.

Question: Again, this is a very short one - why did Dr. Abass Bundu resign?  Do I hear a rat squeak? Oona dae run de country lek Boys Club, lol.

Finally: Again, the weekend is here! Nothing really big happening in the Sierra Leone community in Manitoba that I know of. Anyways, my Pretty Woman is in town this weekend, I'll be chilling with her all weekend; might go to a movie date with her and find some fine dinning place to munch some ribeye steak and salads.
Fellas, again, I always say this – if you plan to have some good time and get a drink, you know the rules, right? If you’re drinking, don’t drive – if you’re driving, don’t drink. Have a great weekend! Lonta.
I'm out of here!
Cheers fellas!
The Golden Child.