Afro Arts Productions picnic at Burgess Park shuts down London, UK

London, UK, July 30, 2024.

A success beyond expectations, the Afro Arts Productions picnic 2024. We are thankful to all who attended. Your presence in such numbers is the ultimate endorsement, an invaluable recompense for our effort. We couldn’t be more proud that you appreciate our work!

Afro Arts Productions was not conceived as a traditional club. More accurately, we consider ourselves a fraternity of childhood friends, dedicating a portion of our time and resources to serving our community in an area of extensive experience: organising. Luckily, our work and successes over the years have been made easy by generous individuals in the community. Some of them well-known, and others unsung.

We are eternally grateful to Mr & Mrs Sahid Jaffa Kamara for their total support. They have never neglected our call, morning or late.

We are proud of the hand extended us by Mr Abu Mansaray, the truest definition of quiet kindness. Always there, for us!

We are thankful to Miss Alice Adama Caulker, the fifth Beatle. She truly is a source of unceasing love, uplift and loyalty.

We are indebted to Mrs Mariama khan Badamasi, for being as solid a rock as can be. Thank you, lady Khan. And our dear Linda Frank, your last minute intervention is priceless, thank you.

We are grateful to our sister, the persistent campaigner and businesswoman, Mrs Sarian Kamara. She represents the essence of community-spiritedness. We love her, dearly.

For those who couldn’t be at Burgess Park this year, going by instinctive reviews, you missed a great gathering. But, all is not lost and, your absence for whatever circumstance, is far from a sin. There is always next year. Do join us on 27th July 2025, to broaden the event’s reach.

Finally, without underplaying the immense satisfaction of this year’s picnic, which is a supplement, it would be gross negligence to not use its success for highlighting the main event: Honours for Outstanding Contributions 2024. As is custom, we have scoured the heritage to produce another unique patron card, featuring the 1964 One Cent coin. Do join us raise funds for the Ola During Children’s hospital in Freetown, on Saturday 28th September, at the Old Stratford Town Hall, London.

Once again, thank you for supporting us at Burgess Park!